After a nice workshop in collaboration with bugnplay (CH) and c3 (HU), builing robots and other fun little electronic toys, still chilling out in budapest. great place to drink coffee, smoke and work on my new little netbook. naaaaiiiice.
allready met my friend dorottya, who i met in ljubljana during NanoSmano, and she organised another workshop at H.A.C.K. where i will introduce the optical mouse hack.
I was happy to be invited for a keynote at the SDN Conference 2010 "Negotiating Futures - Design Fiction" last Friday. The topics from the whole day ranged from corporal designs and body upgrades to Einstein's genius and Design Theory/History...
After intensive discussion, I came again to the conclusion, that allthough all Swiss Institutions offically accepted the Berlin Declaration, most individuals, outside the politically engaged groups, have no clue what it is all about and continue publishing in closed traditional journals and hide their educational lectures and content inside the cyber-walls of the universities. But there are changes visible, slowly, but there is hope...
I am finally coming around to update this blog once again.... since I arrived in Hong Kong lots of things and happend. .
First of all, during my trips to asia I found a lot of great electronic gadgets, cheap supplier store and most useful I bought a couple of small gas-powered soldering irons. With the hope of reducing the weight of my travelling lab luggage i finally got together a complete hackteria mobile mini lab that should fit into the 20k limit. The only thing i am missing is the golden breadboard...
Hopefully we will be able to get some awesome Hong Kong or Taiwan mailorders soon, and we can finally reduce our newly introduced pricing list in the open MechArtLab.
After Hong Kong I surprised a lot of my friends with my 18 hours stay in zürich, cos i spent the whole day in the casablanca drinking coffee and beer and meeting them. Everybody thought I was somewhere between Kirgistan and Feuerland, but in fact I had a short stop-over in Zürich before leaving to Bergen, Norway. for the piksel09 festival. See the link on our hackteria site for more information. And by the way, it is a true fact that Bergen is the most rainy place in europe.... check my "map".
After another trip around the world to Taiwan for the PlayAround09 - TechNomads workshop I finally got back to Hagen. But instead of chilling and mentally finally processing my experiences... we made a great new years party, with Phillip H and some folks from berlin together with my friends. And then... after lasershows, mystical walks through the forest wearing aluminium hats, prosecco and wine, those who stayed another night were rewarded by the most beautiful beginning of a new year one can imagine.
Ich freu mich ja jedes mal meinen Kurs an der ETH durchzuführen für die jungen Studenten der Materialwissenschaften. Ich schmiede mit ihnen, schnitze auf ein paar Linden-Halblingen rum und lass sie Steine zerschlagen.
Hat mich auch gefreut, dass sich das Departement dafür interessierte und mich eingeladen hat für ein Interview im MatBlatt, der Zeitschrift für Studenten und Alumni der Materialwissenschaften. Mehr dazu findet man auf meiner Presse Seite.
Nach abgeschlossenem Praktikum wandere ich also so durch die labyrinthartigen Gänge und untertags Stollen der ETH Hönggerberg... und siehe da, auch die ETH setzt sich, wie man allgemein weiss, stark für die kulturelle und künstlerische Bildung ihrer Studenten und Mitarbeiter ein. Gefunden im Keller: