Archive for the 'On the road' Category

cellsbutton is on!

cellsbutton#03 is going on... we go to places, discussing stuff, doing workshops and having great evenings full of audio/visual exeriments. and of course there has already been lots of soldering involved.


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dusjagr goes yogyakarta | cellsbutton#03


thanks to Julian 'TOGAR' Abraham from the House of Natural Fibre (HONF), who i met last year in singapore, drinking beer and having fun... I end up in yogyakarta international media art festival. hope to do some nice bio-hacks, makeaways and rock the place!

dusjagr goes east...

Finally getting ready for my trip to the east.... visiting yashas in bangalore to do some biohacks and then to yogyakarta to cellsbutton#03, a media art festival. stay tuned.

doing Garage-Astrobiology @ Medialab Prado

check the nematode disco:
live from the astrobiology lab @ Medialab-Prado

packing for some soldering action @ Stitch Project, Berlin

i am preparing, packing, soldering for the "party made of art" to be held this new year's eve in berlin. get ready for some soldering action.

joakim's bachelor's party